Autumn in My Yard

Autumn in My Yard
My Tiny Quilt

Saturday, October 30, 2010

My Morning

The sunrise was so lovely it took my breath away...

MR  Rooster is ready to applique on the background fabric...

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Wind on Etsy

These are my favorites from my new Treasury on Etsy:


Getting a personality

Mr Rooster seems to be developing a bit of a personality today.  Still working on a name for him...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

carpet of leaves

The rooster is making progress...
My heart is outside watching autumn happen - so I am off to play in the carpet of leaves...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Indian Summer

Watching the leaves and the birds in the rain and realizing it is now Indian Summer...
 made a Treasury Page on Etsy:
and added the tail feathers to Mr Rooster No. 2 - as he gets a body today, I think he will deserve a better name!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mr. Rooster No. 2

Decided to play with the rooster theme a little more and wanted to make one with a different 'style'. Started him last night by putting his feet on the chain link fence fabric.  Today, he will get some feathers.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Welcome - thanks for stopping!

It is a lovely day in New England even with the sun behind the clouds. We still have lots of color in the leaves that remain on the trees and a carpet of leaves on the ground.  It is fun to watch the migrating birds as they touch down on the pond and we sometimes get the bird book to name new ones.  Hope you have a lovely day where you are.