Autumn in My Yard

Autumn in My Yard
My Tiny Quilt

Monday, October 25, 2010

Welcome - thanks for stopping!

It is a lovely day in New England even with the sun behind the clouds. We still have lots of color in the leaves that remain on the trees and a carpet of leaves on the ground.  It is fun to watch the migrating birds as they touch down on the pond and we sometimes get the bird book to name new ones.  Hope you have a lovely day where you are.


  1. Just moved our bird feeders out to where we can see them better. Still close to some shrubs for hiding. Love the Rooster - looks like he's going to make some noise any minute!

  2. Thanks for commenting on the Rooster! This one went to a new home and I have started a new one. Our birds were hiding out this afternoon when a big red-tail hawk came around.

  3. Lynne, GREAT quilt! I've never seen fabric that looks like chicken wire!!! So great! And YAY for starting up your blog! :) :) :)

  4. Thanks Kate!

    And, thanks for all your positive encouragement!!
